Gene Therapy

From late discovery activities to development and even gene therapy manufacturing, the Aura family of particle analyzers delivers critical information using as little as 5 µL of sample.

See all the ways that Aura instruments can accelerate gene therapy development and viral vector manufacturing.

Gain Critical Insights For Better Decision Making

With the ability to deliver comprehensive particle counting, identification, and characterization on as little as 5 µL of sample, the Aura family of instruments give gene therapy developers and manufacturers critical information while preserving precious samples early in development.

Innovative Technology Enables Early Candidate Characterization and Selection

Unlike flow imaging, which requires milliliters of sample, Aura systems can quickly and easily characterize viral vector and other types of gene therapies with just 5µL of sample. This is due to analyzing samples via membrane microscopy which requires meniscal amounts while maintaining 100% sampling efficiency.

Begin candidate screening and selection much earlier in development providing the confidence needed when commercializing your gene therapy.